EPAD Ambassador Craig Ritchie travels Down Under to disseminate EPAD’s rationale and gain Aussie support

CraigOn October 14th 2015, Craig Ritchie gave the Wicking Trust Public Lecture in Melbourne which is attended by various representatives of leading research bodies, policy think tanks, care providers, consumers and carers. One of his primary goals while there is to share information about EPAD and hopefully enlist support and involvement in the EPAD project from local scientists.

“Dementia is a global disease that deserves a global approach. Japan and America are looking to run similar programs to EPAD and I’d welcome involvement from Australia too,” he said.

The goal of EPAD is to prevent dementia in people with evidence of the disease but who still may have little or no complaints or clinical symptoms. The focus on these early stages in the disease trajectory sprouts out of the current thinking in the Alzheimer’s disease area that pathological process leading to the disease start years, even decades before clinical onset.

During the morning of October 15th, Professor Craig Ritchie continued his campaign and joined Fran Kelly on Radio National Breakfast to talk about EPAD and its ambitious objectives. Make sure to check out what Craig said: HERE
