EPAD presented at the GBHI conference

From the 20th to the 22nd of April, the 2nd Annual Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) conference took place in Barcelona, Spain. The event was divided in 10 sessions:

  • Session 1: Advancing a National Dementia Policy – Lessons Learned & Steps Forward
  • Session 2: Policy & Economics of Dementia
  • Session 3: Moderated Poster Session – Scholarship Attendees
  • Session 4: Changing the Narrative Around Dementia & Aging
  • Session 5: Moderated Poster Session – GBHI Fellows
  • Session 6: Concurrent Breakout Sessions
  • Session 7: Frontotemporal Dementia
  • Session 8: Advances in Dementia Prevention
  • Session 9: Alzheimer’s Disease & Down Syndrome
  • Session 10: Successful Programs for the Study of Biomarkers & Genetics in Dementia

During the session 8, José Luis Molinuevo, Clinical Director of the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center, gave a talk on the new approaches to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. After to have explained the rationale behind the disease, he gave some examples of studies focused on the primary as well as secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. The EPAD project was presented. Indeed, its objective is to develop a platform to test treatments for the secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia. José Luis presented the aim and the consortium of this project. In addition, he explained the EPAD register, EPAD proof of concept trial and EPAD adaptive trial.

To access to the detailed program, please download it here (Program).