Members of the EPAD communication team meet to update the project’s communication strategy

On 20 November, members of the EPAD WP6 communication team held a one day meeting in Amsterdam to update the communication plan for the final two years of the project. The team discussed the updated project’s communication strategy, focus plan and activities for 2018-2019.

The participants started to review the communication activities undertaken from 2015-2017. The team also took this opportunity to analyse the project through a SWOT analysis evaluating its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then, the participants discussed external communication goals and expectations.

The meeting was attended by Sean Knox (Novartis), Jean Georges (Alzheimer Europe), Cindy Birck (Alzheimer Europe), Laura Carrera Carballes (Janssen), Vanessa Bosmans (Janssen), Ana Belén Callado Gill (BBRC), Anna Borthwick (The University of Edinburgh), Stina Saunders (The University of Edinburgh) and Pamela Brankin (Aridhia).