Craig Ritchie presents EPAD at the 3rd UK Dementia MRI conference

The 3rd UK Dementia MRI conference took place at the Howard Conference Centre, Downing College in Cambridge from 5 to 6 July. The event attracted PhD students, junior post-doctoral and clinical researchers and offered an interactive session for junior scientists to present their work.

The objectives of the conference were:

  • To discuss the state-of-the-art multimodal MRI techniques.
  • To communicate/present novel MRI techniques that allow imaging of white matter microstructure and highlight the utility of these techniques in detection of early dementia pathology.
  • To discuss extension of imaging research into the preclinical space.
  • To discuss novel ligand-PET work.
  • To discuss the role of bioinformatics in imaging research.
  • To discuss issues relating to multi-site imaging.
  • To stimulate new research collaborations among dementia researchers in the UK.

On 6 July, Craig Ritchie did an oral presentation entitled “EPAD: the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease study”. He presented an overview of the project, the progress done so far and highlighted the national and international collaborations. You can watch his presentation here.