Interview with Saira Ramasastry

What is your current role in EPAD?

I am a member of Work Package 7 focusing on business and sustainability for the EPAD project. We are conducting analysis pertaining to markets, stakeholders, incentive, IP and financial strategy. Ultimately, we are collaborating with the entire consortium to create a feasible business plan for the EPAD machine. This is incredibly exciting, as EPAD has created so much value beyond what we anticipated at the beginning of the project.

What did you do prior to joining EPAD?

I have worked in life sciences advisory for over 20 years. Before joining EPAD, I was an investment banker with Merrill Lynch where I helped build the biotechnology practice and was responsible for emerging company coverage for a decade. After Merrill Lynch, I started an independent impact firm with a focus on the neuroscience space – the world’s number one unmet medical need.  Finding solutions for patients in need will take many key stakeholders coming together, which is one of the many amazing aspects of EPAD.

Tell us a bit about the institution/company/organisation you work for.

I am honored to be a part of the Synapse team on EPAD. Synapse is a firm specialized in the high quality management of complex research and development projects in the biomedical sector. Synapse partners with national and international organisations, both public and private, to catalyze solutions that need interdisciplinary collaboration. Synapse delivers a business focus to this important IMI project.

What are your expectations from the EPAD project?

We have gathered the world’s experts across every discipline to pioneer a better research and development model for disease modifying treatments for Alzheimer’s dementia. My greatest hope is that we will make an impact, and help the patients who are waiting. I know that everyone in EPAD is united in this mission.