EPAD poster focused on data collection and release presented at the SDRC conference

The fourth Scottish Dementia Research Consortium (SDRC) conference was held in Glasgow on 15 April 2019. The annual SDRC conference showcased the world-leading dementia research taking place across Scotland and focused on early career researchers with this year’s theme being the fundamental sciences. It was an excellent conference with a variety of talks and posters where delegates shared their research, projects and experiences in an atmosphere of collaboration.

One of the highlights was ‘Cohort Corner’, showcasing the excellent cohorts led from Scotland. Several Epadistas from the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Dementia Prevention attended and presented a poster as part of cohort corner titled “EPAD: an overview of data collection, data release and data access in the Longitudinal Cohort Study (LCS)” during the great exhibition and lively networking time. In the accompanying poster, it was reported that the EPAD-LCS has recruited over 1,500 participants from seven European countries aged 50 or above that do not have a diagnosis of dementia. The poster emphasised the data access process and the online informatics platform where EPAD-LCS data will be hosted. Researchers will be allocated a workspace to access and analyse the available data. It was also shown that the cohort data will be accessible to the entire research community (v500.0 in November 2019). Many attendees commented on the fantastic initiative for EPAD to have open data access and were excited for the data access process to open in 2019.

For more information, please contact: info@alzheimer.noemi.lu. You can view the full conference programme by clicking here.

EPAD poster