New webpage dedicated to EPAD data and samples on the EPAD website

A key achievement of the EPAD project was the establishment of a Longitudinal Cohort Study (LCS) that has screened over 2,000 participants and collected a wide range of cognitive, clinical, neuroimaging and biomarker data to help further our understanding of the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

“We aim to ensure that this precious collection of samples is put to the very best use towards the prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia.”, said Jean Manson, PI of the EPAD Bioresource and Chair of the Sample Access Committee.

EPAD offers a way of accessing the data, samples and image data collected during the EPAD LCS to academic researchers, institutions and companies from all over the world. The current EPAD database, provided by Aridhia, is open-access, ensuring the use of the data for the Alzheimer’s disease research community worldwide. Data access is free to all researchers. Three databases have been released:

  1. EPAD LCS V500.0, which includes baseline data from the first 500 people to enter the cohort;
  2. EPAD LCS V1500.0, which includes baseline data from the first 1,500 people to enter the cohort; and
  3. EPAD LCS V500.1, which includes updated data from the first 500 participants, including one-year follow-up data

To access the data, you will need to make an online request via the EPAD LCS Research Access Process (ERAP).
For more information about the EPAD data and samples and how to apply, visit the new webpage:

“Our data team generate the published snapshots of the analytical database, and publish snapshots and metadata. Researchers can discover the data through publications, Internet searches and go through a partially automated process to request access.”, said Rodrigo Barnes from Aridhia