EPAD-AMYPAD Imaging Workshop

On 17 June, an online EPADAMYPAD imaging workshop was organised, aiming to engage researchers across the scientific community in the ongoing analyses currently performed in these two large European consortia, funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).

Through these two projects, an abundance of longitudinal MR and amyloid PET imaging data in a pre-dementia Alzheimer’s disease population has been and is still being collected.

Craig Ritchie and Frederik Barkhof kicked off the workshop by giving a brief overview of both EPAD and AMYPAD. During the workshop, information was provided on the imaging processing approaches and decisions made to ensure optimal data quality, especially considering the availability of the data. In addition, seven ongoing projects were presented, showcasing the unique opportunities of cross-project integration of (imaging) data to the field. The presentations illustrated the value of cross-modality analyses, e.g. amyloid-PET, (advanced) MR, cognition, CSF, and genetics.

The objectives of the workshop were therefore to identify and establish possible collaborations between imaging researchers across consortia and develop research questions aimed a cross-modality analyses to further our understanding of the natural history of Alzheimer’s disease.