This year, the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease (AD/PD) took place between 5-9 March in Lisbon, Portugal. With over 600 presentations spanning six parallel sessions, the conference drew more than 4,700 participants from around the globe.
Amidst the array of presentations and discussions, one of the highlights of the conference momen was the symposium organized by the Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative (AD Data Initiative), titled “How several key efforts are making their data and samples accessible to the broader research community.” Jean Manson, EPAD Principal Investigator, was invited as a guest speaker. In her presentation, Jean highlighted the EPAD open-source data, imaging and samples. She emphasised the project’s commitment to facilitating data accessibility and collaboration within the research community.
EPAD offers a way of accessing the data, samples and image data collected during the EPAD Longitudinal Cohort Study to academic researchers, institutions and companies from all over the world. This is shared through secure online Workspaces via the Alzheimer’s Disease Workbench.
Moreover, Jean Manson and Josie Butchart, engaged with attendees at the AD Data Initiative booth during the conference. The dissemination of EPAD flyers at the booth further enriched attendees with comprehensive information about the EPAD project and its repository of data and samples.
For more information about the conference and the EPAD project, please visit AD/PD 2024 and EPAD’s website, respectively.